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Propylene Glycol 100ml PG
Propylene Glycol 100ml PG Specifics:
Brand: Royal vape
Model: PG
Capacity: 100 ml
Propylene glycol (PG) is a common ingredient found in e-liquids for vaping.
It is an odorless, colorless, and tasteless synthetic organic compound.
Often used as a base or carrier, 100ml pure food-grade 99.9% propylene glycol serves as a vehicle for flavorings and nicotine in e-liquids.
One of the main advantages of propylene glycol in vaping is its vapor production capability.
When heated, PG transforms into a vapor that users inhale, simulating the experience of smoking.
This vapor production is a primary reason for its inclusion in e-liquids.
Moreover, propylene glycol has a lower viscosity than vegetable glycerin (VG), making it easier to handle and mix with other ingredients.
It also excels at carrying flavorings. PG acts as a solvent for various flavors, offering vapers a wide range of taste options.
Furthermore, its slightly sweet taste can enhance the flavor profile of certain e-liquids.
In summary, 100ml pure food-grade 99.9% propylene glycol plays a crucial role in e-liquids for vaping.
Its vapor production and flavor-carrying capabilities are key factors in its widespread use.
However, it is important to note that some individuals may experience sensitivity or allergic reactions to propylene glycol.
Being aware of this possibility is essential for a safe vaping experience.
Packing Items:
100ml PG
Royal Vape

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